Talks & Seminars
Please contact us if you are interested in inviting us to give a talk or seminar.
Upcoming events
discussion evening in Autumn 2015 (TBD)
launch of on-line sales of e-book and book in September 2015
Past events:
Understanding stuttering in a new biopsychosocial framework at IFA Congress (July, 2015, Lisbon)
Poster at TOWARD A SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS (April 21-26, 2014, Tucson)
Workshop at European Symposium on Fluency Disorders (March 2014, Antwerp)
Workshop at European Symposium on Fluency Disorders (March 9th, 2012, Antwerp)
One-day workshop on the framework (Saturday July 23rd, 2011, University of Luxembourg)
A better biopsychosocial model (June 9th, 2011, Educational seminar for General Practitioners, University of Luxembourg)
Neurological Demands and Capacity Model within a biopsychosocial model (April 2010, Antwerp Dysfluency Conference)
Pain, suffering, and hurt (July 2010, Conference, University of Luxembourg)
Stuttering within a biopsychosocial model (October 2009, Psychology Department, De Montfort University, UK)
Stuttering within a biopsychosocial model (September 2009, Belgrade & Zagreb)